Quality Assurance -
In the biodiesel industry, Quality Assurance is an important element in building consumer confidence in the product and in conforming to regulatory requirements.
Biodiesel Producers, Marketers and Laboratories seeking Quality Assurance certification under the BQ-9000 Program face several challenges to achieving accredition. As the longest serving auditor to the BQ-9000 Accredition Commission, I have the unique insight in to the process of program certification. I am able to provide consulting services which will enable you to sucessfully register and become accrediated under the program guidelines. Please contact me with your program requirements. Any facility I consult with will be audited by another auditor to avoid conflict of interest.
I am working in partnership with Lee Enterprises , which provides full service Biodiesel Consulting Services. Please contact me at kent@lee-enterprises.com to discuss how I can assist in your implementation of a quality assurance program and preparation for BQ-9000 registration.
Project Implementation -
As a long time consumer, advocate and industry watcher, I am uniquely suited to provide insight on trends which can effect biodiesel projects. Recent projects include co-founding of the Los Angeles Biodiesel Coop and consulting with a petroleum marketer on opening biodiesel retail facilities in Southern California.
The California State Water Board regulations issued in 2009 regarding the underground storage of biodiesel and biodiesel blends has had a negative impact on the biodiesel industry in California. I have been contracted by the National Biodiesel Board to assist fuel vendors in Southern California comply with the variance for storage up to B20 in USTs.
When California Division of Measurement Standards implemented the requirement to sell biodiesel and biodiesel blends under the variance rules, I developed a variance application template. I have provided this template package and assistance in applying under the program to the majority of biodiesel vendors who have recieved variances as of this date. If you plan on selling biodiesel blends over B20 in the state I can assist you in meeting program requirements.
Fleet Utilization -
As a fleet operator I have implemented successful biodiesel utilization while overcoming obstacles related to supply, equipment preparation and operator training. If you are considering using biodiesel or biodiesel blends at your location I can assist in making your program a success.
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Site Created and Managed by Kent Bullard
URL http://www.sustainableoptions.com/biodieselconsult.html
Last Update 02-26-2011