Sustainable Practices in the Galápagos

Galapagos Park Headquarters

In 2000 Kent Bullard was requested to provide technical assistance to the staff of Galapágos National Park in evaluating sustainable practices and developing options to improve operations. The technical assistance was sponsored through the Department of the Interior's "Office of International Affairs" and USAID. During the month of June he traveled to the park, evaluated operations, interviewed staff and provided reports on conditions and potential for improvements. In providing suggestions for improving park operations and construction of facilities he used innovation in designing systems which would be constructed with materials available on the islands and using local construction practices. All of the projectreports were completed on site to provide for their translation, corrections and presentation to park staff.

In addition to the work with the Galápagos National Park staff he also consulted with the local government and tourism council and the Charles Darwin Research Center. These outside activities involved recycling opportunities that resulted in the purchase of a glass aggregate recycling machine for the community and energy conservation at the Darwin Center.

The following reports cover the primary scope of the project -
I am currently reconstructing the report document pages after recovering them from a park page that was deleted. (2/22/2011)

The following reports are in Word 97. Use your back function to return after viewing each report.
Trip Report
Fuel Storage and Maintenance Facility
Kennel Septic System, with Evapo-Transpiration (ET) Bed
Kennel Septic System, low graphic version, faster downloading.
Isabela Project Facilities
Beach Toilet El Garrapatero
Visitor Facilities Isabela
Remote Power Monitoring Stations

Slide Show from the Islands

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Site Created and Managed by Kent Bullard
Last Update 01-20-2011